Tuesday, 7 April 2009

We Can't Just Let Them Talk!

What Labour say in public

That this House notes with concern the limited way in which new technology is used to involve members of the public in its work; notes that the use of technology in the recent American presidential campaign has significantly raised the bar; welcomes the proposals in the recent Orange Future of Politics report to improve the use of technology in the activities of this House, in hon. Members' interaction with their constituents and in engaging citizens with the process of government; and calls on all interested parties to use new technology, techniques and skills to help reverse the declining levels of public participation in the democratic process.
Early Day Motion brought by Labour AM Andrew Miller

What Labour say in private

We had a splendid, well-informed pep talk on the use of hi-tech communications by MPs. The advice was don’t blog or use twitter. Blogs provides hostages to fortune and tweeting is for idiots.
Paul Flynn

Who said New Labour's control freakness was dead?


  1. Fataylor@blobspot.com7 April 2009 at 09:37

    "tweeting is for idiots." I would agree with the wise herbal sage Mr Flynn on this one.

    Someone should tell David Taylor who has Tits, oops I mean twits for all of his projects including his own life, which is very dire.

    He runs one for AB Website, Welsh Blog Watch and WelshPostBox while it was up.

    Sad that he is the answer to Welsh Labours online void.........

  2. Are Welsh Labour really in the mess they appear to be in?

  3. I note that Taylor is now boasting about his MEPs and their vote on legislation. Credit where it's due, BUT what a pity that they refused to block the UK continuing with the opt out on workers hours-forcing millions to work extended hours at the behest of their employer. The workers friend?
